Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 16, 2014

Several Polish rabbis and Jewish lay leaders criticized Krakow’s new chief rabbi for saying all non-Jews do not like Jews — a statement he was recorded making in an interview and then denied uttering.
On Friday, six rabbis who belong to the Association of Rabbis in Poland said in a statement that they “firmly oppose” remarks made by Rabbi Eliezer Gurary in an interview published June 9 on the Hebrew and English editions of, the news website of Israel’s Arutz Sheva internet radio station.
In another statement published Friday, five Polish Jewish lay leaders wrote they were “disturbed and deeply concerned” by Gurary’s statement, which they said “essentially painted all non-Jews as anti-Semites.”
In the published interview, which was conducted in Hebrew, Gurary was quoted as saying: “let’s state it very clearly: those who are not a Jew – do not like Jews. Everyone understands and knows it.”
An alternative translation substitutes “like” for “love.”
In their statement, the Association rabbis wrote: “We are hoping that Rabbi Gurary will withdraw his harmful declaration.” They added that “the generalization that Gurary made is simply not true.” In Poland, they wrote, “we are fighting prejudice and we are working on good relations with our countrymen regardless of their religion or ethnicity.”
But this is a true fact. Even non-Jews who claim to love Jews – such as Zionist Christians – actually do not. They love a fake image of the Jews that they have been sold, while hating everything that is actually Jewish – Hollywood, porno, drug-dealing, immigrant invasion, and so on.
It is the same with liberals, who claim to love the liberal Jews – they actually hate the Jew systems of capitalism and endless war for no reason.
The only way a non-Jew person can claim to like Jews is if they do not know what they are, in which case they are not actually liking Jews.
And on a one-to-one level, no one at all likes Jews even a little bit. They are horribly disgusting, whiny, slimy, slippery and vile creatures, and one feels dirty after having had an interaction with one. But most people who live in America rarely meet Jews, and if they do meet them, they don’t know they are Jewish because they have been trained not to be able to identify Jewish physical characteristics.
So, thanks go to this Jew rabbi for allowing us a little bit of truth. Even if it was by accident.