Daily Mail
December 23, 2013

The Labour shadow foreign secretary has said his party should ‘do God’ in order to stop the persecution of Christians and shouldn’t be put off by the fear of causing offence.
Douglas Alexander, who is a Church of Scotland follower, has said that a ‘misplaced sense of political correctness’ is to blame for people feeling ’embarrassed’ to talk about God.
His calls follow a speech by Prince Charles this week in which the heir to the throne warned that Christianity was beginning to disappear from its birthplace because members and places of worship were being targetted.
Writing in The Telegraph, Mr Alexander says: ‘Across the world, there will be Christians this week for whom attending a church service this Christmas is not an act of faithful witness, but an act of life-risking bravery. That cannot be right and we need the courage to say so.
‘People of all faiths and none should be horrified by this persecution. We cannot, and we must not, stand by on the other side in silence for fear of offence.’
Mr Alexander added that persecution of Christians should be viewed in the same way as anti-Seminism or Islamophobia, and not just opposed by lone voices.
He said he had felt ‘very personally’ an attack on a Church of Scotland place of worship in September which killed 122 including the mother, nephew, niece, two uncles and other friends of the priest.
Earlier this week Prince Charles said that bridges between the Islamic and Christian communities he had worked to foster were being ‘deliberately destroyed’.
Speaking at an event for Middle East Christians in Clarence House, he said: ‘It seems to me that we cannot ignore the fact that Christians in the Middle East are increasingly being deliberately targeted by fundamentalist Islamist militants.
‘Christianity was literally born in the Middle East and we must not forget our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters in Christ.