Political Prisoner Joshua Bonehill is in Good Spirits

Jez Turner
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2016


Joshua Bonehill, British patriot hero

Say not the struggle naught availeth,
The labour and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not, nor faileth
As as things have been they remain.

If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;
It may be, in yon smoke concealed,
Your comrades chase e’en now the fliers,
And, but for you, possess the field.

For while the tired waves, vainly breaking,
Seem here no painful inch to gain,
Far aback, through creeks and inlets making,
Comes silent, flooding in, the main.

And not by eastern windows only,
When daylight comes, comes in the light,
In front, the sun climbs slow, how slowly,
But westward, look, the land is bright!

– Arthur Hugh Clough

This dark age in which we dwell, far darker than any through any time our race has passed, this period of Jewish supremacism characterised by the implementing of the Jewish agenda on all cultural, religious, philosophical and racial fronts, will no doubt finally be labelled by historians as ‘The Jewish Age’.

Today, despite the overwhelming evidence for all to see that the Jews, (whose initial and major source of power is usury, fractional reserve banking and other such financial scams), now own and/or control everything worth owning and controlling, and are using this power to implement their agenda leading to a one world slave state of materialistic, miscegenated, mixed-up, money worshipping morons without culture, religion, race, tradition, nation, community, family, (in short – without identity and therefore perfect slaves), ruled over by a ruling class of Jews, despite all this being crystal clear for all to see and for most people at least not being something they genuinely approve of, (despite frequent false sounding declarations to the contrary), very, very few people actually dare speak out against the source of Jewish power, the extent of Jewish power, or oppose the agenda to which the power is being used. Not surprising really when even to assert the primary importance of identity is enough to put you on their hit list. Most people do not mention the words Jew, Jewish or the Jews without quickly adding riders describing how supremely wonderful they all are. Today one must be pro-Jewish, and expressively so, and wholeheartedly in favour of the Jewish agenda, that, or be cast out beyond the pale and so face the consequences – physical, financial and social. Very, very few people risk it.

One who did risk it and with full awareness of what he was doing was Joshua Bonehill. I’m sitting here in a miserable, murky, grimy part of South London called Southwark. Southwark fronts the Thames, and ‘the Southwark stews’ as it was then known was always notorious for its warren of brothels, opium dens and gambling pits. Nothing has changed, for it now houses the biggest whore house of them all – City Hall, the seat of London’s local government, presided over by a newly appointed Muslim mayor whose first role once elected was to attend a Holocaust Memorial event, while his presence was pointedly absent at the Nakba commemoration, and who still says the Jews can’t control the Muslims? The City Hall building itself looks like the sort of thing a homosexual Jewish architect having a bad trip on heroin would have thrown together, and Southwark Crown court a spear throw away is not much better, somehow oddly unsettling resembling as it does either a vast incinerator or a temple to Moloch. No doubt such buildings reassure our rulers and make them feel right at home as if they were back in Tel Aviv, but white people view them subconsciously as something to be destroyed.


Southwark Crown Court

Here it was that on 14th December 2015 Joshua Bonehill – cartoonist, comedian, satirist, troll, humourist, prankster, political campaigner – was sentenced to 3 years and 4 months. In May of this year the Appeal Court upheld this sentence and his current release date remains 28th May 2017. So what was his crime? He hadn’t killed, injured, kidnapped or raped anybody, and he hadn’t threatened anyone or incited anyone to do such a thing. Neither had he stolen anything nor committed fraud. He hadn’t committed treachery or endangered national security. All he had done was to publish some cartoons online, cartoons very similar in style, though far less offensive in nature, to those published by Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris.

‘’Je suis Charlie’’ scream the politicians, the political and media hacks, and all the liberal elite in defence of that vile magazine’s right to publish whatever it likes. ‘’Defend freedom of expression!’’, ‘’Defend free speech!’’ ‘’Defend intellectual freedom’’. In comparison with the Charlie Hebdo bruhaha all such commentators were strangely silent when 23 year old Joshua was handed down a 3 year 4 month sentence for similar cartoons, not surprising though when you realise that the one group he satirized and made fun of was the one group you are not allowed to satirize or make fun of – the Jews. By doing so he had crossed into the holy of holies of liberalism and taken a sledgehammer to their cherished idols. He is actually the second British cartoonist to go to prison for his work – Robert Edwards was sentenced in 1981 to 12 months in prison for publishing cartoons unflattering to Jews in his, now defunct, newspaper ‘The Stormer’. He too got the silent treatment from Amnesty International and the whole troop of free speech campaigners. Do we see a pattern here?

What drew mass media attention to Joshua Bonehill was his successful campaign in enraging liberal sensitivities, especially his highlighting the existence and presence in North London, (termed locally ‘The Jewish Republic of North London’), of a Jewish vigilante force known as The Shomrim. These vigilantes are funded by the British Government, trained by the regular British Police Force, they wear uniforms resembling the regular police uniforms and they drive police cars with the word ‘POLICE’ replaced by the word ‘SHOMRIM’. They also on occasion carry firearms – training again provided by the regular police. No other ethnic group in London or elsewhere in the UK has or is allowed to have such a vigilante force – only the Jews.

Bonehill and colleagues proposed a demonstration against the presence and activities of The Shomrim and this demonstration was planned for 22nd March 2015 and to be quite naturally in the area where the Shomrim operate – North London. The Anti-Shomrim demo was billed, at least by Joshua Bonehill, as to ‘prevent the Jewification of Great Britain’. The liberal establishment promptly went bezerk, Marxist academia had a meltdown, questions were asked in the houses of parliament, and the powers that be put pressure on the forces of law and order to move heaven, earth and even hell itself to prevent the demo taking place and more importantly to prevent any publicity. The upshot was that a banning order was slapped on Bonehill preventing him coming anywhere near London, In the event the demo went ahead peacefully with very little media coverage. A second demonstration was planned for 4th July 2015 but this was to be in the capital of The Jewish Republic of North London, a place regarded since Victorian times as a centre of Semitic villainy – Golders Green. (See for instance Anthony Skene’s ‘Monsieur Zenith’) The media went ballistic, ‘’How dare they??’’ yelled the chattering classes and the champagne socialists spluttered on their champagne.


Bonehill responded by independently posting up online adverts supporting the demo featuring caricatures of Jews, Auschwitz and weed killer with the by-line ‘’Come to the demo kids, it will be a gas!’’ Something threatened to drop on those who do the Jews’ bidding from a very great height indeed and Bonehill was immediately arrested and has been incarcerated ever since. In the event the demonstration again went ahead without him, but was moved from Golders Green to the far more prestigious site of Whitehall located in Westminster, opposite Number 10 Downing Street. The event went off with something of a Lincoln Rockwell rally and the opposition comprising a mob or angry Jews ensured worldwide press coverage.


The offending image

After his conviction Bonehill was sent to spend his sentence at Her Majesty’s Pleasure in the rather imposing red brick, castle-like Wandsworth Prison in West London. This has a reputation of being ‘a tough nick’, where hard cases are sent. All prisons have a history and here it was where Ronnie Biggs of the Great Train Robbery notoriety escaped in 1965 and fled to Brazil. But HMP Wandsworth is also where John Amery and William Joyce were both held and later executed on 19th December 1945 and 3rd January 1946 respectfully. Alfred Pierrepoint the famous hangman relates in his memoirs the day he hung a ruefully smiling John Amery ‘Ah Pierrepoint, I’ve always wanted to meet you. Though not quite under these circumstances!’’ ‘’The bravest men I ever hung’’ was Pierrepoint’s verdict.


Her Majesty’s Prison Wandsworth

Kindly prison warders when they learned who they were to receive allocated Bonehill the very same cell occupied by William Joyce and for this the new prisoner was very grateful as it brought him much spiritual solace and room for reflection. Others, less friendly, also learned of his presence in the prison and towards the end of last year he was attacked by a gang of blacks while in the exercise yard – an encounter from which he still carries a scar on his cheek.


William Joyce also had a scar on his cheek.

He is philosophical about his situation, determined to make the most and extract the utmost value out of it. He takes much pleasure from reading, especially history, noting wryly that prison libraries invariably have the works of Karl Marx, but that the editions remain in a pristine condition as nobody bothers borrowing them. He has recently been moved to the more salubrious HMP Wayland in Norfolk and reports that this is a whiter prison, where conditions are better. He reports that generally the criminal classes he meets are apolitical, but the whites tend to be sympathetic. All in all his morale is high and is kept high by all the correspondence he receives from well-wishers. He welcomes such correspondence and says that ‘’it is the letters I receive which keep me fuelled and politically sharp’’.

Although his body is caged, his mind remains free.

Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for a hermitage.’’

-Richard Lovelace

He remains optimistic and gathers encouragement and succour from hearing news from the outside world about the ongoing struggle against white genocide.

He writes “Somebody has to first ignite the fire for the fire to burn, and just like truth once lit it can spread rapidly.”

Our Movement our Cause is the spirit of the age. Our time is coming. And though it won’t be easy we are going to win and there will come a day when free speech martyrs – the only speech that is not free is speech that concerns the Jews or the Jewish agenda – will be viewed in the proper light. When future generations look back on this dark age from which we are just beginning to emerge, many things now obscure will seem obvious. They will marvel at how effective the oppression of our people was, how all-encompassing the suppression of intellectual freedom and the brainwashing was, they will look with horror at how close The Enemy came to realising his age old dream of exterminating our race and civilization, and they will wonder how and why we put up with it all so long and why we didn’t rise up and throw off our chains far, far sooner.

Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you
Ye are many – they are few.

-Percy Shelley

Contact Details

He pledges to respond to all correspondence. To send letters of encouragement please write to:

Joshua Bonehill–Baines
HMP Wayland
IP25 6RL

Stamps can be sent in the envelope and are very much appreciated.

If anyone wishes to send him money which he can use to purchase luxuries from the prison shop such as Amber Leaf 25g tobacco (£9.37) and Nescafe original 150g coffee (£3.99) it has to be sent as a British Postal Order addressed to The Governor with ‘Joshua Bonehill, prison number A5933DM’ written on the back.

Books, not magazines, can be sent to him, but please also send him a letter separately at the same time informing him what you have sent.