Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2015

Politico ran an article by the ratfaced columnist Josh Gerstein wherein ratlike Alan Dershowitz was interviewed with regards to the sex abuse case against him.
Hilariously, the article is framed as “this lying bitch said what????” Compare that to any other article ever written on a liberal website about sex accusations – it is always assumed the female is 100% truthful, unless it is some Jew accused, then it is all “these stupid little slut.”
Gerstein actually literally praises his kinsman Dershowitz throughout the article.
“It’s totally, unequivocally and completely false,” the celebrated attorney said.
“I was there with my family,” the renowned law professor said.
The filthy rat Gerstein even appears to vaguely imply that the “allegations” against Epstein – which he was convicted and sent to prison for – may have been fabricated by lying little goyim sluts.

Despite his attempts to portray the Dersh as the most innocent of little schoolboys being vilely slandered by this nameless Eastern European whore, Gerstein’s comments section was overrun by the Antisemite Freedom Force (AFF, an elite branch of the Royal Troll Army) spreading the truth about the Jew nature of these criminal Jews.
It is honestly glorious.
The fact that this latest major pervert scandal – people love a good pervert scandal – is entirely and publicly Jewish in nature, involving some of the Jewiest Jews known to man, is incredibly good for our agenda, and we need to continue to flood the comments sections of these articles.
The entire 295 comment-long Politico comments section is posted in its entirety below, but first a fun and insightful comment on this whole emerging sex scandal situation and how it reflects on the nature of the Jew by our commenter Bobby (protip: these are good points for comment trolling).
All these super rich Wall street kikes are making money illegally and illegitimately. In all top American business schools and economics/finance departments in the US these criminals are portrayed as “Superstar traders and financiers”. All the dumb naive aspiring Goyim students dream of one day working for these kikes and learning the secrets from such ingenious “high intelligence” “hard working” individuals. When they enter the real world it slowly becomes apparent that the kikes are part of a huge global Jew network that gives them access to all kinds of illegal insider information which they obtain either directly from insider sources or through methods such as blackmail, spying, extortion, etc. It then becomes apparent that all government regulation agencies such as the SEC that are supposed to monitor and prosecute these illegal activities are paid off and part of the Jew network themselves. It’s all just a huge global kike mafia. That’s all high finance is.
Even the immoral Goyim who wouldn’t mind selling their own mother to make a buck soon find out that the Jew does not allow Goyim to join their ranks, at best the Goyim will serve as a low rank useful idiot who ends up getting the crumbs after taking all the risks and doing all the dirty work. When one of these kikes is caught through rogue independent SEC agents (Such as in the case of Steven Cohen) it’s the dumb Goyim who take all the blame and go to prison while the criminal kike billionaire is unharmed.
Crucial commentary there. We should really do a weekly “best of DS commenters” column, as there are some brilliant folks among us.
And now, the filthy, ratlike Jew Josh Gerstein’s FUBAR comments section on an article defending the weird Jew pervert Alan “The Dersh” Dershowitz.