Politico: Trump Angry About Jeff Sessions Decision to Recuse

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 5, 2017

We don’t know about these anonymous sources, of course, and many of them seem to be lying or just made-up fake sources.

This one is interesting though.


President Donald Trump, increasingly frustrated with his White House rollout, vented to top aides on Friday over Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal from any investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Prior to departing for Florida, where he is spending the weekend, Trump convened on Friday a group of senior aides in the Oval Office, including chief of staff Reince Priebus, senior adviser Jared Kushner, daughter Ivanka Trump, chief strategist Steve Bannon, communications director Mike Dubke, and press secretary Sean Spicer.

The meeting was ostensibly to talk about next week’s packed schedule, which is expected to include the release of a new immigration travel ban and possibly an Obamacare replacement bill.

But at one point during Friday’s meeting, Trump’s focus turned to Sessions, who on Thursday announced he would step back from any investigation into the presidential campaigns, including allegations that Trump’s team were in contact with Russian intelligence officials as the country was engaging in cyber-attacks designed to tilt the election Trump’s way.

Sessions came under pressure to recuse himself after the revelation that he met twice with the Russian ambassador last year, despite telling senators at his confirmation hearing that he had no contacts with the Russians during the campaign. Sessions, a chief adviser to Trump’s campaign, has denied wrongdoing and said the meetings were conducted in his capacity as a senator.

The meeting on Friday got heated once it turned to the topic of Sessions. What, Trump wanted to know, was the logic of the move? The president made it clear he thought the whole thing had been handled poorly, and that Sessions shouldn’t have recused himself, according to sources familiar with the meeting. His exasperation was apparent.

At one point, Trump addressed White House counsel Don McGahn, who was also in the room, directly, and said he was unhappy about the turn of events, the sources said.

“There were fireworks,” said one person briefed on the events.

Priebus, Kushner, and Bannon all weighed in with their thoughts. “There was a robust discussion,” said a second person familiar what occurred.

White House spokespeople didn’t respond to requests for comment. That Trump was frustrated on Friday with the Sessions recusal was first reported by the Washington Post’s Robert Costa in a tweet.

You’ll recall that I was 100% against recusal, for the exact reason that it gives credence to the fake news narrative about Trump being involved with a Russian conspiracy.

The way Sessions presented it – that the decision had been made before the Russian ambassador meetings were leaked to the media – didn’t really fix this. Even if that had been the case, after the leak, he should have changed his mind and not recused.

You can’t give these people anything.


These people drink blood.

And I think Trump and Bannon at this point understand that. That Sessions would make this decision of his own accord is not good. The administration needs to run itself like the military, with Trump making all decisions and Bannon the only one allowed to make decisions in his place.

Sessions is a very good, solid guy, but he needs to understand that he can’t make these types of decisions himself. This isn’t normal governance going on here. The Trump administration is at war, both with the media and the deep state, and everything that is done has to be part of the grand strategy of Trump and Bannon. They know what they are doing.

We need a tight ship here. We can’t have people acting of their own volition.

All this having been said, maybe the Politico report is fake, or planted by the administration as part of the strategy. I have no idea. I’m just reading this stuff like everyone else.