Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 5, 2016

A more appropriate headline would be “63% of Americans are Totally Brainwashed by Filthy Jews.”
Poll results released last month show that Americans are sharply divided over the influence of Israel on U.S. politics, and those divisions often fall along party lines.
On Dec. 4, The Brookings Institution, a highly influential Washington-based think tank, released the results of a study of American attitudes toward Israel and the Middle East. The report comes after a year in which Israel’s influence on America’s governance and foreign policy received heightened scrutiny, especially following a controversial speech to a joint session of Congress by Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu on March 3. AIPAC, the powerful Israeli lobbying group, also faced increased criticism.
The bulk of the poll was based on the opinions of 875 randomly selected Americans, but the study’s author, Shibley Telhami, a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings’ Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World, also polled an additional 863 additional Americans who self-identify as Evangelical or Born-again Christians to determine how their attitudes differed from the average.
When asked “How Much Influence Does the Israeli Government Have in American Politics?” 37 percent, or just over 1 in 3 Americans, feel Israel has too much influence. Eighteen percent say Israel should have even more influence over our government, while the largest group, at 44 percent, feels Israel wields an appropriate level of influence.
Almost half of Democrats, 49 percent, feel Israel has too much influence over U.S. politics, while a slight majority of Republicans, 52 percent, are comfortable with Israel’s current level of influence. Among Evangelical Christians, meanwhile, 39 percent believe Israel has too little influence and 38 percent are satisfied with the country’s level of influence.
LOL @ “too little influence.”
It’s current year! We need more foreign Jew control of our government!
Evangelicals are so cucked it’s unbelievable.
It’s also sad. They aren’t bad people, and they are mostly on-board with us. Even on the race issue, for the most part. But they are just brainwashed to believe in some weird doomsday cult gibberish where the Jews are a type of master race.
It’s a very low IQ crowd, but we with the higher IQs should be there to protect them from these kike vultures.
Anyway, this is why Trump can’t talk directly about Jewish power. We don’t have a great enough understanding among the people for it to look like something other than crazy. It is our job to keep building up the understanding among the people.