Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2015
A new poll shows that 55% of “Millennials” (ages 18-34) want to flee America. The Breitbart article is by the Jew Ben Shapiro and is entitled “Poll: Obama Millennials Want to Leave the America They Created.”
Most of those millennials cite economics as a chief factor in their desire to leave: 43 percent of men and 38 percent of women said they’d leave if they could get paid more in another country.
The rationales for staying in America, articulated by Americans, are particularly weak: 59 percent say they would stay because “it is home,” another 58 percent say they would stay thanks to romantic and family ties – and then the stats drop precipitously, with just 22 percent stating they would stay for the democratic society, 17 percent for the culture, 10 percent for the good future for children, 5 percent for wealth, 3 percent for low crime, and 2 percent for low taxes.
It is worthwhile noting that the same millennials who say they would leave the United States voted overwhelmingly for President Barack Obama in 2012, 67 percent to 30 percent. Obama won at least 61 percent of the youth vote in Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. In 2008, they showed up in droves for Obama, voting 66 percent to Sen. John McCain’s 32 percent for the first black president. These millennials helped President Obama redefine and radically transform America, and now it turns out that they dislike what they’ve built.
But that won’t stop them from voting for more of the same. A YouGov poll from February showed 55 percent of millennials trending in favor of Hillary Clinton. The same number, according to Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, want Democrats to stay in the White House.
Barack Obama’s America doesn’t attract people who want to stay in America because Barack Obama’s vision of America does not include America staying in America. America used to have a definition as a nation. We used to have a common history, a common set of values, a common language, and a common culture. All of those elements create social capital – the ties that bind us together, that allow us to trust one another in the absence of compulsion.
This is a typical intensified Jewing, also known as “blaming the victim.” America was doomed long before Obama, he is just the sign of the ultimate rot.
Obama didn’t create this. I didn’t create this, and neither did you. Jews created it.
We didn’t land on diversity. Diversity landed on us.
And if any generation is to be blamed, it is the baby-boomers who sold out thousands of years of heritage for free sex and fantastically amazing new appliances. They’re the ones who allowed religion to turn into the hokey-pokey dance, through all these drug revolutions, feminism, Black liberation, gay liberation, they got high at discos and then they couldn’t stay married because they were too childlike and selfish.
Here’s Randy Paul’s video about the poll.
His points are well taken. It isn’t just diversity itself, it is the hell that goes along with it. The thought control, the watching of your back, the poverty, the crowding, the crime, the general hell.
We live in a dystopian nightmare, period. There is no upside.