Poll: 65% of Euros Believe Immigration Increases Terror Risk

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2016


The headline should actually be “35% of Euros believe idiot propaganda about more Moslems equaling less terrorism.”


A majority of EU citizens believe Islamic State will pose a serious threat to Europe over the next five years and that attacks such as those that rocked Paris in November 2015 could happen again, a recent poll revealed.

The survey ‘Project 28’ conducted by the Szazadveg Foundation, an independent think-tank organization, was concluded in April this year. However, it was only published after the Brexit referendum in the UK.

One of the questions the think-tank asked was: “How likely do you expect that a terrorist attack like what just happened in Paris could happen in your country?”

According to the poll, 36 percent answered “it is very likely” that a Paris-style attack would happen in their country. Another 50 percent believe the attack is “likely” to happen. Only 13 percent think IS attacks won’t happen in Europe in the nearest future, the poll added.

According to the poll, respondents saw a direct link between mass illegal migration and terrorism, with 65 percent “agreeing with the statement that the migrant wave increases the threat of terrorism in their country.”

The majority of respondents (91 percent) believe IS will be “a serious threat” to Europe over the next 5 years.

The governments of the West have literally argued that more immigration equals less terrorism, because allowing immigrants shows that you are nice and they won’t do terrorism to people who are nice. Conversely, if you don’t allow mass immigration from Islamic countries, they will see you as mean, which will cause them to do terrorism against you.


That’s what Hillary was arguing when she said that Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Moslems “helps ISIS.”

The terrible part of this argument is that it admits that Moslems are all ticking timebombs, ready to start murdering people on the streets as soon as someone hurts their feelings.

What is more insane than believing that argument and going along with mass immigration, however, is rejecting that argument and still supporting mass immigration.

86% of people believe an attack in their country is either likely or very likely.


And the majority of them believe immigration increases that danger.

And still, they do nothing to stop the Merkel agenda.


Because they’ve been trained to hate themselves.