Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2015
I’ll bet you read that headline and were like “65% of Republican voters where? Serbia?”
No, dear friend. This would be 65% of Republican voters in America.
A new Purple Strategies ‘Pulse Poll’ shows that almost two-thirds of likely Republican primary voters support Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s conditional call to ban Muslims from entering into America, and more than a third say his plan makes them more likely to vote for Trump.
The online survey, conducted for Bloomberg, found that 65 percent of likely GOP voters support Trump’s plan. When the poll participants were told both sides of the argument, support remained almost unchanged at 64 percent.
The poll also found that 37 percent likely 2016 voters said they’re more likely to vote for Trump because of his decision to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country.
Doug Usher, who runs the group that conducted the poll concluded that the poll, “indicates that, despite some conventional wisdom expressed in the last 48 hours, this is unlikely to hurt Trump, at least in the primary campaign.”
This is absolutely fantastic.
Trump’s support before he made this statement was supposedly at 32% of Republicans. Now we find out that twice that number support a plan he’s presented, that other GOP candidates jumped on and attacked Trump for, calling him “unhinged” and “Unamerican.”
If Trump is an unhinged non-American, Jeb, then so are two-thirds of Republicans – this all certainly serves to intensify the perception that the GOP establishment is at war with their voter base, huh?

And with all of these other candidates condemning the proposal, presumably most of that 65% will move toward the Donald. Because avoiding getting skewed by kebab is a pretty important issue for most Americans.
It also presumably makes people sick to imagine voting for a politician who would defend importing terrorism based on some Jew legalism about invasive brown people having an unlimited right to enter America.
This was brilliantly played by the Glorious Leader. He is constantly putting his enemies in a position where they have to attack their own voters in order to push the positions that their donors pay them to push.
They can spew all of the “basic human rights” gibberish they want, but people are still going to be like “yeah, I don’t care – I want these kebabs out.”

The thing about populism is it sidesteps all the claptrap legalism of political ideologies by simply being popular.
I wasn’t sure how this would ultimately shakeout, but I am now leaning towards believing that the Donald may have just sealed the deal.