Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 26, 2017
97% of Americans believe Jews should be forced to pay reparations to whites.
Following the Jew false flag prank call bomb hoaxes, many have been calling for the Jews to pay reparations to white people for hoaxing them in this way, defaming the white race, the Alt-Right and Donald Trump.
A recent poll by the Daily Stormer new agency showed that 96.6% of Americans agree that Jews should be forced to give whites money after this ridiculous hoax.
A pie graph of these numbers.
It is time to put public, political pressure on the Jews, to force them to give money to us, and also to Donald Trump.
We need to setup some kind of system where every year, Jews transfer some untold billions of dollars to the US government of Donald Trump and this money is then distributed to whites through wire transfers.