Daily Stormer
April 12, 2015

Though I’m glad the majority of Americans are opposed to a purposeful sabotaging of a peace deal for the purpose of pushing for yet another war for Israel, wherein American lives will be sacrificed for the Jew menace, the fact that such a large percent of Americans do believe war is superior to peace shows just what a sad state this country is in.
Although some lawmakers, including Democrats, believe Congress should have a say in any potential removal of Iranian sanctions, most Americans say Congress should not keep a possible a nuclear deal from being implemented.
Roughly 61 percent of Americans support the framework agreement struck between Iran and the P5+1 (the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany) earlier this month, according to a new poll conducted by Hart Research. Thirty-four percent of voters said they were against the deal.
The poll was commissioned by the liberal advocacy group Americans United Change and has a margin of error of 3.5 percent.
After surveying more than 800 registered voters, Hart Research found that Democrats overwhelmingly supported the deal, with 81 percent of respondents in favor. Fifty-eight percent of independents also supported the deal, while just 41 percent of Republicans believe it should go ahead.
Americans were also broadly in agreement regarding Congress’ potential spoiler role in the negotiations. About 65 percent of voters said Congress should allow the Obama administration to move forward with a finalized deal, while just 30 percent said lawmakers should block the deal.
Again, Democrats and Independents largely believed Congress should not get in the way, but Republicans were almost split down the middle. About 47 percent said Congress should let the deal move forward, while 48 percent said it should be blocked.