Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 15, 2015

Americans love guns and feel safer the more guns they are surrounded by. I don’t care that fag-smoking stick-shifters do not grasp this.
A new poll confirms the fact that the Jew plot to strip us of our weaponry is just that – a Jew plot with almost no popular support among the folk.
American Voters overwhelming prefer living in a neighborhood where they have the option of owning a gun than to live where nobody is allowed to be armed.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely U.S. Voters would feel safer living in a neighborhood where nobody was allowed to own a gun over one where they could have a gun for their own protection. Sixty-eight percent (68%) would feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed, while 10% are not sure.
The fact is that having a gun means safety. Another person cannot hurt you when you have a gun unless they have better guns or better gun training and this can be avoided by you yourself getting better guns and better gun training.
It is freedom.