Poll: Cruzman Sachs Only has One Point on Glorious Leader in Texas

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2016


He claimed to have the spirit of Jesus. Turned out it was the spirit of diabolical Jew bankers. You will know them by their works (or tricks).


Cruzman Sachs has been destroyed by Our Leader.

He tried some dirty tricks without realizing who it actually was who wrote The Art of the Deal.

The Hill:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is within 1 point of Ted Cruz in Cruz’s home state, according to a poll released Wednesday.

Cruz has 29 percent support in Texas, followed closely by Trump, at 28 percent, and Marco Rubio, at 25 percent, according to an Emerson College poll released Wednesday. John Kasich takes 9 percent support, with Ben Carson at 4 percent.

Texas is one of the dozen states voting on Super Tuesday next week, and the billionaire businessman has made clear that he intends to beat Cruz in his home state.

“I think it’s very likely that Mr. Trump can win here in Texas,” Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson told CNN on Wednesday morning.

Among the three, Rubio is viewed most positively, with 64 percent viewing him favorably and 29 percent viewing him unfavorably.

Cruz is viewed favorably by 56 percent, with a higher unfavorable rating of 41 percent. Meanwhile, Trump is viewed unfavorably by 50 percent and viewed favorably by only 45 percent.

Cruz held a bigger lead of 9 points over Trump — 38 percent to 29 percent — in a separate University of Texas-Texas Tribune poll released Tuesday and conducted before the Emerson poll.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) endorsed Cruz on Wednesday.

Well, that sealed his fate.

All these people trying to stop the Trump Train are going to get their comeuppance – like a hurricane. Getting voted out. They won’t even be able to work in the private sector – such will be the shame upon their father’s name.

ted cruz art of the deal

They keep telling us we’re going to lose Texas. And I am not saying we’re going to win it – probably, we will still lose it. Don’t want to get people’s hopes up here.

But we might win it.

We might actually win every single state on Tuesday.
