Poll Friday: The Daily Stormer Aesthetic

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2015

The Daily Stormer: Yep, there she be.
The Daily Stormer: Yep, there she be.

Several people have complained recently that they don’t like all of my cartoons.  I obviously do like my cartoons, and tend to assume that the target audience – wayward youth – do as well.

Just to clarify, the core purpose of this site is not to provide an online home for racists, far-right extremists and Nazis – that is a secondary purpose, really just a side benefit.  The actual purpose is to bring people into the movement by educating them on the issues.

I like that people in-the-know have made this an internet gathering spot, but I would not devote the amount of energy I do, and basically give up the opportunity to have a serious career and get rich, simply to provide that.  The goal of educating people and converting new people to our way of thinking is a noble and sacred duty, and something I am willing to give myself and my life for, because the only way we are ever going to get anything done is by getting millions of people agreeing with us.  And I want to get things done, not simply fuel a hobby of a fringe group.

Following this, I have formed an aesthetic for the site, as well as a generally humorous tone, which I believe appeals to the youth of White nations and also makes the heavy content more manageable on a personal psychological and emotional level.

The contrast of NSDAP imagery with cartoons also serves to make the NSDAP imagery less shocking/offensive and leaves people more open to it.  In my thinking. Though to older people it may just look slightly nutty, even to them it shows that we are not the cold-blooded psycho-killers that the Jew media makes us out to be.  “Slightly nutty” is better than “psychotic murderers.”  You can work with slightly nutty.

As I am doing something no one else is doing, it is possible I am doing it wrong.  There is no blueprint for leading the modern Jewified world into Fascism.

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As always, give your thoughts in the comments.