Poll: Glorious Leader at 53% Nationally

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stomer
March 15, 2016


Released just ahead of Super Tuesday II, a poll has been released showing Our Glorious Leader with his biggest lead yet.

After America did not find funny the creepy dick jokes of gay Cuban Marco Rubio, his support collapsed. Magic Ben Carson dropped out and endorsed The Leader.

The newest YouGov poll puts us at 53% nationally.

This is the first time Trump has garnered the support of a majority of Republican primary voters nationwide. YouGov’s February 24-27 survey marked his previous high, at 44% support.Rubio is the least liked of all the remaining GOP candidates.  His favorable rating among Republican primary voters has dropped nine points from what it was two weeks ago; his unfavorable rating has jumped eleven points in the same period.  Every other remaining contender, including Kasich, receives better ratings.

42% of Republican primary voters say they have become less favorable towards Rubio, based on what they have heard about him lately, more than say that about any of the other GOP candidates.


Besides the dick stuff, he’s also been pressing the idea that Trump is wrong for not being politically correct. People do not like these positions.


Ah, well. Goodbye, little Marco, you gay foam bastard.


Today is the day, people.


Let’s hope this poll holds up in Ohio.


No brakes.

Hail Victory.