Poll: Italy to Crush EU in Upcoming Referendum

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2016


This is the #TrumpEffect.

Daily Express:

Italy is set to deal a hammer blow to its government as the latest polls revealed voters will punish Matteo Renzi’s administration in the upcoming referendum.

The prime minister’s failure to reach out to working class suggest large regions will snub Mr Renzi’s plan for constitutional reform.

A Demos poll has revealed Mr Renzi’s reforms will be rejected by an 11 percentage point margin in the south of the country – where most of the poorest regions are located – compared with a seven-point margin across the country.

As the nation prepares for a momentous referendum, which could spark an exit from the European Union, Mr Renzi said that he would have no interest in running the country if voters reject the proposed constitutional reform.

Luca Comodo, director at polling company Ipsos, says most voters believe that rejecting Mr Renzi’s plans is a vote for change, particularly in southern regions where the economic damage inflicted by the deep recession that followed the global financial crisis hit voters particularly hard.

Mr Comodo said: “The south is where protest and rage are amplified.”

If the reform goes through – it will reduce the power of the senate (the equivalent of the House of Lords in the UK) and take back legal power from 20 regional governments.

Those in favour of the change say it will make passing laws easier but those against it say it will centralise power too much.

But many Italians are not voting based on the reforms but on their confidence in Mr Renzi’s leadership.

Mr Renzi’s response has been to ramp up his campaign efforts in a desperate bid to win over voters in these regions – with visits to Sicily, Sardinia, Puglia and Campania (including the city of Naples).

The embattled prime minister has also proposed tax breaks for companies that create jobs in the south to tackle youth unemployment and stimulate investment, in a last ditch attempt to swing the referendum his way.

Italy is the eurozone’s third-largest economy but most ordinary Italians, particularly those living in the south, still struggle to get by.

Emanuele Fusco, a 25-year-old barman, said: “A Yes vote is just a way to fool people. We should send this government packing and let everyone know how much they’ve screwed us.”

Now, we just need France.

All of our hopes and dreams pinned on this batty old woman…