Poll: Should Jews be Forced to Pay Reparations to Whites After Doing Prank Call Bomb Hoax?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 26, 2017

Following a series of bomb-threatening prank calls to Jewish centers across America, the Jews blamed whites, Neo-Nazis and Donald Trump, demanding free money, a dedicated government task force, mass internet censorship and more.

They also insulted and defamed the reputations of whites, Neo-Nazis, Donald Trump and others, in their quest to use these prank calls to their political advantage.

This week, it turned out that the Jews were doing this to their own selves, with the arrest of an Israeli Jew who appears to have been behind most of the prank calls (all of them that were not done by the Negro copycat, who was working a bizarre revenge scheme).

Now, many people are wondering if the Jews, having cost whites money and hurt our reputations, should have to pay reparations for this hoax.

Some are even calling upon Congress to pass a law that the Jews have to pay.

What do you think?

Should the Jews have to pay reparations to whites for hoaxing prank bomb hoax calls?

Not sure

Results of this poll will be used for political lobbying, if the outcome is favorable to our political lobbying agenda.

The Jewish hate crime hoax agenda runs deep, and it is something that millions are now waking up to in light of this particularly massive hoax. However, the Jewish-controlled media is now trying to bury this story, so it is up to us to keep it afloat.

Jewish liars released multiple fake news studies saying that Donald Trump was creating “hate crimes.” It turns out that it was all made up.

Virtually all (read:all) of the alleged hate crimes reported by the lying Jewish fake news media are hoaxes.

Meanwhile, the pets of the Jews – Negroes, Moslems and Mexicans – are raping and murdering us on the street with impunity. It is literally opposite world out there.

Be sure to tell your friends and family that Jews are liars, and to spread the story of the Jewish-Israeli-ADL bomb hoax on social media and elsewhere.