Daily Stormer
August 25, 2014

Once again, it is never anything other than “muh feelings” with these colored folks.
While Whites want facts so as justice can be served, Blacks form a lynch mob to murder anyone who makes them feel bad.
The vast majority of Americans are keeping an open mind when it comes to whether the shooting of Michael Brown was justified, according to a new poll from CBS News and the New York Times.
But when it comes to African Americans, the verdict is basically in: that the shooting was not justified. And it will be difficult to convince them otherwise.
The CBS/NYT poll showed that 64 percent of Americans overall said they didn’t have enough information to determine whether police officer Darren Wilson was justified in shooting Brown two weeks ago in Ferguson, Mo. Among those who have decided, only about one in 10 said he was justified (9 percent), while 25 percent said he wasn’t justified.
As with just about everything else relating to what happened in Ferguson, though, perceptions vary widely across races. Although 68 percent of whites said they don’t have enough information, a clear majority of blacks — 57 percent — said they believe Wilson was not justified in shooting Brown.
How is it possible that they expect people to take them seriously? Much more importantly, how is it that White people are actually willing to take them seriously?