Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2015

A new Fox News poll puts Glorious Leader at an insane advantage over his evil enemies.
Trump hits a high of 39 percent among Republican primary voters, up from 28 percent a month ago. The increase comes mainly from men, white evangelical Christians, and voters without a college degree — and at the expense of Carson.
All interviews for the new poll were done since Tuesday’s GOP debate in Las Vegas.
Trump’s 11-point jump in support comes after his comments about stopping non-U.S. Muslims from coming into the country.
Seven in 10 GOP primary voters are in favor of a temporary ban.
Back in June, the Fox News poll asked whether voters felt the real-estate mogul and reality TV star was a serious candidate or a “side show.” At that time, 64 percent of GOP primary voters said Trump was a side show, rather than a serious candidate (29 percent). Today, it’s the reverse — 33 percent of GOP voters say he’s a side show and 65 percent say serious candidate.
Support for Trump in the GOP race is more than double that for Cruz, who comes in second with 18 percent. That’s up four points since mid-November and nearly twice the 10 percent he had in October.
Rubio garners 11 percent, down three points from 14 percent last month.
Cruz is the last hope of the cuckservatives, and he is failing to pick up any real speed at all.
He just isn’t a likable person. And he’s low energy.

Eventually, the shill establishment will have to accept that if you can’t stump them, you must join them.