Polls Allege That Biden is Ahead of Sanders by a Lot

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2019

The Real Clear Politics average now has Joe Biden 23 points ahead of Bernie Sanders in various Democrat primary polls.

Most of these gains have allegedly been made in the last two weeks. In the third week of April, they only had him at 7 points up over Bernie.

On the three-month graph, you can see that Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Beto O’Rourke and Pete Buttigieg have jockeyed around for third, far below Sanders.

We don’t know how real these polls are. Last election cycle, the LA Times was the only news site running accurate polls, and they don’t have a poll up for the 2020 Democrat primary yet. Most of the polls during both the Republican primary and the general election were simply hoaxed in order to mess with people’s heads.

So no one can be sure how much weight (pun intended) should be put on these polls, but it’s safe to say that probably Biden is leading, based on name recognition and the fact that Biden is a white man.

Ultimately, there are two sides here, and eventually, all support is going to be rallied around two candidates that split the party.

The Establishment Wing has these (viable) candidates:

  • Joe Biden
  • Kamala Harris
  • Beto O’Rourke
  • Pete Buttigieg

And the Progressive Wing has these candidates:

  • Bernie Sanders
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Tulsi Gabbard
  • Andrew Yang

I think it’s clear that Bernie Sanders will be the champion of the progressives. I still think that Kamala Harris is most likely to be the champion of the establishment, given all of the serious problems that Joe Biden has, which are eventually going to pop up.

Of all of the candidates, Andrew Yang is my favorite. I would then pick Tulsi Gabbard, then Bernie Sanders.

From there, I would go for Donald Trump over any other Democrat candidate. Because all of the establishment figures (plus Liz Warren) have most or all of the negatives of Trump and none of the positives.

The interesting shake-up is going to be what happens when/if Kamala Harris replaces Joe Biden as the leading establishment candidate. Because most colored people, and pretty much all working class whites, would prefer Bernie to Kamala, just on a visceral level.

Hilariously, when AOC endorses and starts campaigning for Bernie, this is going to cause a double-digit shift. Just so, Obama can do a lot to help the establishment candidate.

The ultimate question might end up being: would the establishment of the Democrat Party prefer another Trump term instead of a Bernie presidency. And I think the answer is almost certainly yes.

So if Bernie does end up with the nomination – flip a coin, but I think it’s possible – you’re going to end up with an election even more hilarious than the last one, with a bunch of Anime Nazis supporting Bernie and CNN supporting Trump (that is, attacking Bernie and pulling back on attacks against Trump).

Common wisdom is that Biden can beat Trump, but I don’t think that’s true if Trump stages a false flag attack involving Iran and starts a major war. Biden supports all of the same wars as Trump, so he can’t go out there and claim he’s going to end the war. Instead his only option is going to be to claim that he can fight the war better than Trump. And most people would prefer to just keep the same guy fighting the war, rather than risk some other guy screwing it up.

Furthermore, Trump can use Biden’s role in securing the Iran deal to claim that he’s a traitor, and a supporter of the villainous Iranian Satan.

Conversely, Bernie will be able to campaign on ending the war, which might cause Trump to lose. It’s definitely a lot more interesting if there is an anti-war candidate instead of two pro-war candidates.

Hilariously, the most interesting factor in all of this is that by the time the election happens, they will have shut down more or less all alternative media on the internet. This was a plan that leaks from Google and others showed, and we’ve seen it enacted. Along with the social media account bans, Facebook now has a hard ban on posting links from the Daily Stormer and Infowars, and no doubt anyone else who questions the narrative is going to be added to that list.

Furthermore, if it’s viewed as necessary, the progressive leftists that they can’t get on board with the agenda are going to be banned as well, probably during the primaries. The censors have established that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, and they will shadow ban/downrank/demonetize/hard ban based on that principle. Furthermore, they’ve also established that “Russian bots” also supported Bernie in 2016, so they’ll be able to ban his supporters as KGB shills.

Opening up the censorship worm-can on the left is certainly not something they want to do, but they absolutely will do it if they need to.

The Jews have made it clear that if they have to, they will just shut down the entire internet completely.

I hope they start censoring leftists – not because I want them to be censored (I don’t want anyone censored!), but because a bunch of their own narratives fall apart if Jews crack down on them.

So it’s all set up to be quite the show.

There is no candidate that is good for white people, so it is only about the candidate that is least bad for white people. And that’s how we should think of all national politics going forward for the foreseeable future.

While that is somewhat sad, it also takes the pressure off, and allows us to just sit back and enjoy the spectacle.