Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 20, 2014

Pope Crazy-Eyes, also known as Saint Francis the Faggot, has said that the Church should “not be afraid to change” in reference to his evil plot to do away with some of the foundational teachings of the Church, Reuters reports.
Crazy-Eyes, who says he wants the Church to “lighten up, bro, be cool,” made some very sick comments in a sermon to a supposed 70,000 people in St. Peter’s Square – defiling a sacred holy place of our ancestors – as he closed the two-week synod.
The final document released Saturday night reversed last week’s apparent acceptance of anal sex with men by the alleged officials of the ancient institution founded by Saint Peter two-thousand years ago.
“God is not afraid of new things. That is why he is continuously surprising us, opening our hearts and guiding us in unexpected ways,” the pope said, apparently indicating that he believes God is unexpectedly guiding men toward other men’s anuses.
A few of the conservative (ie, actually Catholic) bishops who remain were apparently able to throw a coup and get the document redacted. But how long will this hold? Presumably, not very long at all, with Pope Crazy-Eyes at the helm trying to steer the ship into a treacherous trap of gigantic penis-shaped rocks.