Pope Crazyface Says Christian Europe Must “Revitalize Culture” to Compete with Moslems He Flooded It With

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 29, 2017

This Pope is off the hook.

After calling in all of these monkeys from everywhere – he played a key role in the 2015 Zerg rush that took place, always defending the Merkel plan by saying it was God’s will – he’s now saying that Christians need to breed more.


Europe is suffering from “dramatic sterility,” Pope Francis has said, urging Christians to preserve their moral values and to “revitalize” a continent that is increasingly being distinguished by a plurality of cultures and religions.

“In our day, Christians are called to revitalize Europe and to revive its conscience, not by occupying spaces, but by generating processes capable of awakening new energies in society,” Pope Francis said addressing European political and church leaders at the Vatican.

After two World Wars ripped through the continent, Europe deserves peace, the Pope said, expressing disappointment that “particular and national agendas risk thwarting the courageous dreams of the founders of Europe.”

To preserve European values, the Argentinian-born leader of the Catholic Church urged his followers to rediscover their traditional identity, starting with the family, which, he said, “remains the most fundamental place for this process of discovery.”

The Pope noted that Christians must pass on the values of past generations to their offsprings as Europe is suffering a period of “dramatic sterility” which began in the 1960s.

“In passing on to new generations the ideals that made Europe great, one could say, with a touch of hyperbole, that betrayal was preferred to tradition. The rejection of what had been passed down from earlier generations was followed by a period of dramatic sterility,” the pontiff said.

“Not only because Europe has fewer children, and all too many were denied the right to be born, but also because there has been a failure to pass on the material and cultural tools that young people need to face the future,” he explained.

Yeah – no shit, buddy.

It’s because the entire culture was flushed down the drain.

What is the culture you are currently promoting? How can you promote a culture inside of a multiculture without calling for the expelling or subjugation of other cultures?

But wait, it gets better.

“Extremist and populist groups are finding fertile ground in many countries; they make protest the heart of their political message, without offering the alternative of a constructive political project,” the pontiff said.

“Leaders together share responsibility for promoting a Europe that is an inclusive community, free of one fundamental misunderstanding: namely that inclusion does not mean downplaying differences,” Francis added. In such a political environment, he called on Christians “to restore dignity to politics and to view politics as a lofty service to the common good, not a platform for power.”

So he isn’t reversing his previous position that white Christian Europe must become mainly brown Islamic, and that anyone disagreeing with that is evil.

He is just saying two things once.

It’s just outright gibberish. Christians are being attacked on the street by “people” he brought in and his explanation is “inclusion does not mean downplaying differences.”

The destruction of the religious institutions of our people led to this present situation. And I’m not even arguing that they can be repaired. Maybe they can be, I don’t know. But everything comes back to the fact that we were taught to believe that nothing was truly sacred and that life lacks intrinsic meaning.