Pope Francis took a swipe at President Trump over the weekend for moving to wind down the Obama-era program shielding some young illegal immigrants from deportation, suggesting the decision is not “pro-life.”

Speaking to reporters aboard the papal plane on Sunday, Francis reportedly said he hopes the decision “is re-thought somewhat.”

According to Reuters, Francis said young people “feel like they have no hope,” and everything from drugs to suicides afflicts them when “they are torn from their roots.”


Because of all this kikery.

Which you support, Pope Cuck.

“The president of the United States … presents himself as a man who is pro-life. If he is a good pro-lifer, he understands that the family is the cradle of life and you have to defend its unity,” the pope said, according to Reuters.

Firstly – that directly implies that to live in Mexico is “death.”

Secondly, these Mexicans are killing our own people all the time.

So the Pope is pro-death of whites.

This Pope supports terrorism and rape in Europe, he supports man-on-man anal sex with leads to gay-related autoimmune disorder, he supports all kinds of death.

It is Donald J. Trump that is a man of life.
