Pope Francis’ Boot-Licking Tour of Zionist Occupied Palestine

Daily Stormer
May 27, 2014

Francis pays tribute to Holohoax "survivors", giving his full endorsement to the idolatry of Jew-worship.
Francis pays tribute to Holohoax “survivors”, giving his full endorsement to the idolatry of Jew-worship.

Fresh off of kissing the hand of a homosexual agitator, Pope Francis is at it again. His recent trip to “Israel” was full of acts of submission to his Jewish bosses.

The trip included kissing the hands of Holohoax “survivors”, as well as paying tribute at the grave of Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism.

From the LA Times:

Pope Francis paid tribute Monday at the grave of Theodor Herzl, the man whose dream of a Jewish homeland led to the creation of modern-day Israel.

It was a finely balanced gesture on the last day of the pontiff’s visit to the Holy Land, where even the smallest acts are fraught with political symbolism. The wreath-laying here in Jerusalem also sought to wipe away bitter memories of a previous pope’s rejection of Zionism more than a century ago.

Francis bowed his head and, following Jewish tradition, laid a stone on Herzl’s grave as Israeli President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood silently to one side.

Francis with his Jewish masters at Herzl Cemetery.
Francis with his Jewish masters at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery.

Why would any Christian pay tribute to the grave of an anti-Christ like Herzl, and let alone in the fashion of a false, foreign religion? By his actions, Francis has betrayed who his true master is.

In our dark age, fake “Christian” leaders never hesitate when it’s time to render honor to the Beast.