Pope Francis Kisses Fag-Hand

Daily Stormer
May 24, 2014

What Christian humility, kissing the hand of pro-homosexual agitator.
What Christian humility, kissing the hand of a pro-homosexual agitator!

Jew-loving anti-Christ “Pope” Francis just won’t let up. He had already caused controversy by claiming that he “couldn’t judge” sodomites. Now he has met with and kissed the hand of pro-sodomy “priest” Michele de Paolis.

From Life Site News:

Pope Francis raised eyebrows earlier this month by concelebrating Mass with and kissing the hand of a leading homosexual activist priest campaigning for changes in the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. On May 6, Francis received the 93 year-old priest who has cofounded the homosexualist activist organization, Agedo Foggia, that is opposed to Catholic Church teaching.

Fr. (Don) Michele de Paolis concelebrated Mass with Pope Francis at the Domus Santa Martha and then presented the pontiff with gifts of a wooden chalice and paten and a copy of his most recent book, “Dear Don Michele – questions to an inconvenient priest”.

In a previous book, Don Michele wrote, “homosexual love is a gift from (God) no less than heterosexual.” He also disparaged the idea of homosexual couples not having sex.

Francis continues to spit in the faces of the conservative Catholics whose wealth and labor make the church possible. We can only hope that the Pope’s contempt for Christianity will become so egregious, that faithful Catholics will become disillusioned with the current church, and come to realize that without militant traditionalism, we will lose everything.