Pope Francis: Moslems Must Breed with Europeans

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2016


In an interview with the French publication La Croix, the SJW Pope appeared to suggest that it would be necessary for White women to breed with Moslem men.

Coming back to the migrant issue, the worst form of welcome is to ‘ghettoize’them. On the contrary, it’s necessary to integrate them. In Brussels, the terrorists were Belgians, children of migrants, but they grew up in a ghetto. In London, the new mayor (Editor: Sadiq Khan, the son of Muslim Pakistanis) took his oath of office in a cathedral and will undoubtedly meet the queen. This illustrates the need for Europe to rediscover its capacity to integrate.

I am thinking here of Pope Gregory the Great (Editor: Pope from 590 – 604), who negotiated with the people known as barbarians, who were subsequently integrated. This integration is all the more necessary today since, as a result of a selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of a declining birth rate. A demographic emptiness is developing. In France, at least, this trend is less marked because of family-oriented policies.

Either that means we need to be replaced or it means we need to give them our women so we can “mix.”

Given the statement about “integration,” it seems clear he is saying that virile Arab men must do the duty of allegedly selfish White men and impregnate our women to create a new mixed race population for Europe.

What will the Pope think up next???