Jack Ryan
Occidental Dissent
January 30, 2015

“The Roman empire did not die any differently, though, it’s true, more slowly, whereas this time we can expect a more sudden conflagration … Christian charity will prove itself powerless. The times will be cruel.”
— Jean Raspail, The Camp Of The Saints
Pope Francis is back in the news again and for all the wrong reasons.
This time he is boasting that he will cross the Mexican border into the United States to show solidarity with Hispanic illegal aliens. This isn’t a satire from The Onion. No, Fox News Latino is reporting this as a genuine news story.
Of course it is a pure Cultural Marxist publicity stunt – something that one would expect from a PC leftwing pop culture star like a Bono, Sean Penn, or Brad Pitt to do. It’s all for show, all for generating headlines in the TV and print media. Pope Francis seems to think he is the Madonna of the Vatican. Maybe he is.
Last year, Francis was featured in a fawning Rolling Stone cover story. This was shortly after he flew his jet to the Italian Mediterranean island Lampedusa to bless the invading African boat people and scold the Italians about their “racism” and “Islamophobia.” Yes, this Liberation Theology Pope is pro-Muslim, pro-homosexual, and most definitely pro-Latino. He’s even on good terms with Castro’s Cuba.
Here at Occidental Dissent, we take a firm, but fair approach to the leaders of all tax exempt anti-Southern, anti-White, anti-Christian organizations and really see no difference between Pope Francis and George Soros. We’re certainly not anti-Catholic, but there is no use in denying at this point that Cultural Marxists now have the upper hand at the top of the Vatican.
One positive point to remember is that lots of Hispanic Catholics have fought on our side in the past in Spain and elsewhere. Just because communists have tried to rebrand themselves as Sandinista Catholic priests, well, check out what happened to Liberation Theology Archbishop Romero in El Salvador: