Popular Ratfaced Immigration Activist Guilty of Possession of Boy-Sex Videos

Daily Stormer
December 15, 2014

Goyim, I...
Goyim, I…

A filthy Jew who was featured in a Time magazine cover story on immigration reform – he is an illegal invader from Israel – has been convicted of possessing videos of boy-sex.

NY Daily News:

Roy Naim, 30, was featured in a June 2012 cover story under the headline “We are Americans,” and the Israeli national portrayed himself as an activist.

Federal agents uncovered evidence that the activist purchased at least three illicit videos from another pervert in Louisiana of a 15-year-old boy performing a sex act.

Naim was convicted of attempted exploitation and possession of child pornography, which calls for a term of at least 15 to 30 years in prison when he is sentenced by Judge Nicholas Garaufis. The pervert showed no reaction to the verdict as family members wept and moaned in the courtroom.

He should have stayed in Jewland, where basically everyone engages in this sort of behavior and thinks it is “the definition of a good time.”

Naim was featured in this issue of Time, which celebrated America being invaded and conquered by subhumans from everywhere.
Naim was featured in this issue of Time, which celebrated America being invaded and conquered by subhumans from everywhere.