Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti Threatens to Run for President in 2020

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2018

Okay so, I think you all should start registering as Democrats so you can vote in the primaries in 2020.

Even though I’ve already endorsed Elizabeth “The Tomahawk” Warren, I’m gonna go ahead and also endorse Michael Avenatti.

A Warren/Avenatti or Avenatti/Warren ticket is really what this country needs right now.

Huffington Post:

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti said Wednesday that he is “seriously considering” challenging President Donald Trump in 2020 ― and suggested he would be willing to get dirty if he did.

“If that means that we have to crawl down in the gutter and trade shots with this guy in order to ensure that he’s not re-elected ― well, then that’s what we gotta do,” he said at Vanity Fair’s New Establishment Summit in Los Angeles.

“You’re not going to beat Donald Trump through a message of universal love,” he added. “This guy will eat you alive.”

Avenatti told Vanity Fair’s Emily Jane Fox that he would decide by Jan. 1 whether he would run.

“I firmly believe that the future of the republic will hinge on the outcome of that race,” he said. “In the event that Donald Trump is the nominee on the right, it’s going to take someone very unique to beat him. I don’t think I’m the only person who can beat him, but it is a short list.”

Just like “The Apprentice” became “Celebrity Apprentice,” politics is now celebrity politics.

This Avenatti chap is not doing a very good job at playing the new game, but he understands the new game.

I think ultimately the nominee is destined to be Cory Booker, Kamala Harris or Eric Holder, as the Democrats try to do Obama over again. And all of those will be funny. But Avenatti would be much funnier.