Portland: Colored Gentleman Shot by Other Colored Gentleman at Anti-Trump Protest

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 12, 2016

Black people don’t really seem to care too much about Donald Trump’s election.

But hey – a protest means a bunch of people out on the street and a bunch of people out on the street always provides an opportunity to shoot someone.


At least one person has been injured in a shooting at an anti-Trump protest in Portland, Oregon. The protests, now in their third night, again turned violent with protesters throwing projectiles at officers and police deploying tear gas.

A man was injured in a shooting incident on Morrison Bridge in Portland, police confirmed.

“One person down. Everyone needs to leave the area immediately!” police wrote on Twitter.

Police described the possible suspect in the shooting “as African-American male, late teens, 5’8″, thin, wearing black dark hoodie and saggy blue jeans.”

“Preliminary information indicates that a suspect was in a vehicle on the bridge and there was a confrontation with someone in the protest. The suspect got out of the vehicle and fired multiple shots injuring the victim,” police said in a press release.

A local witness, Cameron Whitten, told the paper that the incident took place when the demonstrators were going across the bridge. He then saw a car “with multiple occupants in it… traveling east” and one of them was holding a gun. He first shot into the air and then shot one of the demonstrators in the lower body.

SWPLs rioting and providing cover for Blacks to kill each other is a major lol.

I hope this goes on for a while.

Well I can knock "Riot" off my bucket list lol

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