Portland “Nazi” Wins Big

Daily Stormer
August 9, 2014

Hail Captain Kruger!
Hail Captain Kruger!

Thank God for small victories.

Honestly though, this victory isn’t particularly small.

The meme is here.

Portland Intelligencer:

Mayor Charlie Hales has recently signed a generous but controversial settlement agreement, appeasing the terms of Portland Police Officer Mark Kruger’s lawsuit against the city.

Captain Mark “Fourth Reich” Kruger earned his iron wings as a local public figure more than a decade ago, when he donned a Nazi uniform & erected a monument to fallen WWII-era Nazi soldiers in a public park. The city has subsequently been embroiled in a high-profile legal battle with Herr Kruger, who sued the city for slander after a high-ranking police official referred to him as: a “Nazi.”

Mayor Hales’ settlement clears the Nazi’s name, expunges his record, and gives him a cool $5,000 of taxpayer cash. The agreement even orders Kruger’s boss, Police Chief Mike Reese, to add a letter of commendation to his file — putting a bird on a long, embarrassing chapter of Portland’s recent history.

Kruger’s controversial shrine didn’t just commemorate your garden-variety regular-old plain run-of-the-mill evil Nazi soldiers. No — the honored dead were some seriously evil butchers, namely: Erich Bärenfänger, a brownshirt who became Adolf Hitler’s deputy; Michael Wittman, a reckless tank commander in the Waffen SS who got a lot of people (his own included) killed; Wolfgang Lüth, the second-most murderous U-boat captain of WWII; Walter Nowotny, a particularly notorious Luftwaffe pilot; and Harald von Hirschfeld, a general involved in the Cephalonia Massacre, responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Italian POWs and that god-awful Nicholas Cage movie.

Kruger — who flatly denies ever saying “human life is overrated” — named his memorial “Ehrenbaum,” meaning “Honor Tree.”

National Socialism is eternally cool. Forever. No Jew can cancel this fact.

Eternally cool.
Eternally cool.


Forever awesome.
Forever awesome.