Daily Stormer
August 9, 2014

Thank God for small victories.
Honestly though, this victory isn’t particularly small.
The meme is here.
Mayor Charlie Hales has recently signed a generous but controversial settlement agreement, appeasing the terms of Portland Police Officer Mark Kruger’s lawsuit against the city.
Captain Mark “Fourth Reich” Kruger earned his iron wings as a local public figure more than a decade ago, when he donned a Nazi uniform & erected a monument to fallen WWII-era Nazi soldiers in a public park. The city has subsequently been embroiled in a high-profile legal battle with Herr Kruger, who sued the city for slander after a high-ranking police official referred to him as: a “Nazi.”
Mayor Hales’ settlement clears the Nazi’s name, expunges his record, and gives him a cool $5,000 of taxpayer cash. The agreement even orders Kruger’s boss, Police Chief Mike Reese, to add a letter of commendation to his file — putting a bird on a long, embarrassing chapter of Portland’s recent history.
Kruger’s controversial shrine didn’t just commemorate your garden-variety regular-old plain run-of-the-mill evil Nazi soldiers. No — the honored dead were some seriously evil butchers, namely: Erich Bärenfänger, a brownshirt who became Adolf Hitler’s deputy; Michael Wittman, a reckless tank commander in the Waffen SS who got a lot of people (his own included) killed; Wolfgang Lüth, the second-most murderous U-boat captain of WWII; Walter Nowotny, a particularly notorious Luftwaffe pilot; and Harald von Hirschfeld, a general involved in the Cephalonia Massacre, responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Italian POWs and that god-awful Nicholas Cage movie.
Kruger — who flatly denies ever saying “human life is overrated” — named his memorial “Ehrenbaum,” meaning “Honor Tree.”
National Socialism is eternally cool. Forever. No Jew can cancel this fact.