Portland, Oregon: White Privilege Lecture on Campus

Daily Stormer
January 20, 2015

This stuff seems to literally get more kooky by the minute.

If they are really so oppressed, why don’t they just leave? Better yet: if we are so evil, why can we not just be isolated, so as to protect the other races from our evil?

YouTube description:

“Whiteness isn’t skin color … skin color is a marker of whiteness that can signify to others, this person may be white,” explains lecturer Jared Rhea. He goes on to explain: “I act white, and by acting white, I prove to everybody else that I’m white, and that at that point the privileges that are associated with whiteness are ones that I take on.”

Dateline Mothers Day, Sunday May 11, 2014 – Portland Oregon: At a Portland State University sponsored anarchist’s conference held over the weekend, a lecture was delivered by instructor Jared Rheah. As implausible as it may sound, the lecture was titled: “Zombies and the White Savior Complex.” It was delivered in a campus classroom room to a small, yet receptive and enthusiastic audience.

The entire video must be seen to be believed, but some of the excerpts are particularly incredible. For example near the end Rhea explains:

“Whiteness isn’t skin color … skin color is a marker of whiteness that can signify to others, this person may be white … I act white, and by acting white, I prove to everybody else that I’m white, and that at that point the privileges that are associated with whiteness are ones that I take on.”

The lecture was a part of the “5th Annual Law and Disorder Conference” held across three days at the Smith Memorial Building on PSU Campus. Facilities and some meals were provided “free,” courtesy of the taxpayer.