Portland Students for Trump Appear on Infowars with Smiley McTits

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2016

The Portland State University students who got shut down on Thursday by Black Lives Matter and various assorted communists appeared on Infowars last night with Smiley McTits AKA Gangbang Sally.

The two Trump-supporters are salt of the earth Whites – a gamer and a Ukrainian nerd. They are awesome. They framed the entire thing in terms of a war against Whites. This implicit reality – that Trump is now the Avatar of the White race – is rapidly becoming explicit.

This is a race war.

Even Alex Jones is being forced to cover this issue, despite how uncomfortable it may make Gangbang Sally, who is attempting to genocide us through cuckoldry.


Encouragingly, rumor has it that the obese Aryan Alex Jones straight cucked Gangbang Sally’s Black BF(s), which led to a divorce from his Jew wife.

Here is the uncut footage from the PSU riot (I posted the cut footage yesterday).