Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 5, 2015

One of the very most despicable techniques of the Jew media is to portray people as evil when they act out of genuine moral conscience, and often suffer because of it.
Kim Davis, a Kentucky clerk, is presently in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals. She is suffering because she believes this is the morally correct thing to do. It seems to me that whether you agree with her moral convictions or not, you would be able to respect that she is acting out of conscience, and that this, whatever the details may be, is a laudable act.
I would certainly respect a liberal activist who went to prison for their beliefs. Currently, however, I’m having a hard time thinking of anyone who did this.
The Jew media, instead of saying “well, we disagree with her, but are impressed with her resolve,” is instead calling her a villain, and mocking her.
Complex is claiming she wants to “beg for money” using crowdfunding (in this context they are obviously implying that the entire concept of crowdfunding is “begging”), but that this won’t be allowed because she is a Christian.
Wonkette echoed the sentiment, and went so far as to refer to her as “hat asshole, that adulteress, that bleeding pus-filled skin tag on the lady-jumper-concealed inner thigh of humanity.”
The Jew Alan Dershowitz, the moral compass of America, also engaged in hateful name-calling.
The Jew publication Mic compiled a series of memes mocking her for her evil and backward hateful stupidity.
The Huffington Post brought out a cuckolded “Christian” to explain why Kim is wrong “from a Christian perspective.”
Even the near-corpse of Salmon Rushdie has been rolled out to defame this poor woman, saying she is no different than an Islamic terrorist.
The entire situation is sick and weird on every conceivable level.