Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 24, 2015

The Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal clearly involved multiple felonies, and it is abject madness that she has gotten away with this.
But it looks like we may get an investigation after all (though I won’t be holding my breath).
A criminal investigation could be opened in relation to the personal email account that Hillary Clinton used during her time as secretary of state, according to a New York Times report late Thursday.
Inspectors general for the State Department and the intelligence agencies have asked the Justice Department to open an investigation into whether sensitive government information was mishandled in connection with Clinton’s account, The Times reported, citing senior government officials.
The inspectors general are independent officials who conduct audits, investigations and inspections in the agencies for which they’re responsible.
Clinton’s use of the personal account for official business instead of a State Department one stirred up a political storm after news of it emerged in March.
Even the suggestion of a criminal investigation into a massive scandal would generally hurt someone’s Presidential campaign. One would hope.
But not Hillary. Everyone seems to understand she is a criminal, completely without any type of basic morality, and yet the masses continue to support her because… well, I guess because she’s a woman, and she wants to destroy America even further.
But the future is unwritten. If we do get our investigation, I don’t see how she will avoid prosecution. At the very least, she is guilty of destroying evidence relevant to a criminal investigation, which is a felony.
Khairullozhon Matanov, a friend of the Boston bomber, was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for clearly his browser history after he had been contacted by the FBI. What Hillary is known to have done is much more extreme.
And this is without even looking into what she was trying to hide by hosting a private email server in the first place and then deleting the records. Obviously, she had something very serious to hide – definitely related to Bengazi, probably a whole bunch more horrible stuff we don’t currently know about – some or all of which could be uncovered in a proper criminal investigation.
I am not optimistic, but I am hopeful.
If Hillary becomes President, we are all doomed.