Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2015

Perhaps out of sheer rage that Putin is killing all their dudes in Syria, or perhaps just because they were bored, US/NATO forces have apparently bombed a Doctor’s Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan.
International observers warn that the US may be taking a ride into the Danger Zone.
Seriously though, why would you bomb an international aid hospital?
Are we really to believe that the Negro head of Centcom is really in charge and these things just happen by accident?

I guess that is the most logical possibility, because I don’t really see how anyone benefits from this.
An air strike, probably carried out by U.S.-led coalition forces, killed 19 staff and patients, including three children on Saturday, in a hospital run by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in the northern city of Kunduz, the aid group said.
The U.S. military said it conducted an air strike “in the vicinity” of the hospital as it targeted Taliban insurgents who were directly firing on U.S. military personnel and an investigation into the incident had begun.
This stuff is pretty high-tech. You would pretty much have to be Black to have done this accidentally.
U.N. Human Rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein led a chorus of condemnation, without saying who carried out the strike, noting that an assault on a hospital could amount to a war crime.
“This event is utterly tragic, inexcusable, and possibly even criminal,” he said.
Yeah, I think bombing a hospital is probably a crime… though I’m not a legal expert.
Here, let’s ask a lawyer.

Well, there you have it.
The medical charity said its staff phoned military officials at NATO in Kabul and Washington during the morning attack, but bombs continued to rain down for nearly an hour.
“Hey, can you stop bombing our hospital?”
“Neg. Hospital bombing shall resume for an hour or so.”
“All indications currently point to the bombing being carried out by international Coalition forces,” MSF said, demanding “a full and transparent account”.
MSF said it had given the location of the hospital to both Afghan and U.S. forces several times in the past few months, most recently this week, to avoid being caught in crossfire.
At least three children, four adult patients and 12 MSF personnel died in the blasts, the aid group said. At least 37 people were wounded and many are still missing, it said.
The International Committee of the Red Cross said it was “deeply shocked” by the incident.
Yeah, definitely a weird move.
Especially while the US is in the middle of condemning Putin for bombing ISIS.