Post-911 World: Trump Beating Hillary by 6 POINTS Nationally (September 8-14)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2016

I told you all that following the collapse we witnessed on 911, the world would be a different place.

Well, I was right again.


The LA Times national poll, taken between September 8th and September 14th, has Trump up six points.

Six points.

Six points.

This is a massacre.

On 911, they were tied.

And this polling window only includes half of the time after the collapse, less than that if you consider it took 24 hours for it to set in. Meaning in real life, Trump is probably leading by 10 points.

If they’re going to pull Clinton for Biden, they’re going to do it today, or maybe tomorrow.

Exciting times.

praise kek