Practicing Christian Girl Defiled by Vile Non-White Rapist

The Telegraph and Argus
September 25, 2014

‘She burst into tears as she gave evidence in court from behind a screen, saying she was a practising Christian who was telling the jury the truth.’

A SEVENTEEN-year-old girl was raped in a locked car on a dark road after accepting a lift to a shop, a jury at Bradford Crown Court heard.

The church-going student, now 18, wept today as she told how Aadil Mahboob was a complete stranger until she met him that night.

She claimed he laughed repeatedly after forcing her to have sex after she had downed three vodkas.

Mahboob, 24, of Edderthorpe Street, Barkerend, Bradford, denies two allegations of rape and one of sexual assault, in July last year. All are alleged to have happened when he was with the girl in his car in the early hours.

Prosecutor Nick Askins told the court the teenager and a female friend arranged to go for a drive with another man after attending church together.

They got into a car driven by the defendant at about 10.30pm and picked up vodka from a shop on the way to a flat in the city.

Mahboob, who was not known to the alleged victim, went out and returned with food from MacDonalds.

At about 3.30am, he offered to give the student a lift to a 24-hour store to buy her cigarettes, Mr Askins said.

On the way, Mahboob is said to have rubbed the girl’s leg before turning the car into a dark road and parking up.

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The Non-White scum had the cheek to say that the White Christian girl made the first move.

He is accused of lowering her seat, removing her lower clothing and raping her in the front of the vehicle.

Mr Askins said the student said “No” and “Get off” but she was feeling the effects of three drinks of vodka and coke.

“She felt spaced out and helpless as it happened. She could see that the vehicle’s doors were locked,” he told the jury.

Afterwards, Mohboob bought her cigarettes and returned her to the flat.

Mr Askins said she cried on the taxi ride to her friend’s house and told her what had happened.

“She felt dirty and horrible,” the court heard.

Mahboob was arrested on October 30 and told the police the student made the first move and the sex was consensual.

His barrister, Richard Canning, put it to the weeping girl that she was lying about what happened.

The student, who suffers from depression and self-harms, denied “fancying” Mahboob and agreeing to have sex with him on the back seat of his car.

She burst into tears as she gave evidence in court from behind a screen, saying she was a practising Christian who was telling the jury the truth.

The trial continues.

White girls can be raped, Non-Whites they leave alone.