Daily Stormer
December 17, 2014

Though I generally take the position of “either mind your own business or offer to have all of these apes transported to your country” when people from other countries try to lecture White America on how to deal with the Black problem, the Russian outlet Pravda presented a fair enough idea yesterday: give Blacks their own Palestine.
After blah blah blah, all Black problems are because of slavery, the author, who I assume is a Ruskie, writes:
It is time for White America to finally ‘Free The Slaves’, and it is time to acknowledge the ‘Sins of the Fathers’. The recent riots in Ferguson, MO, prove conclusively that there is no way for there to be equality between the races because of this DNA difference. White America must face the fact that America, no matter how difficult or disliked, must give Black Americans land on which to establish their own “Palestine”, or Civil War will soon overcome this nation of Freedom.
Though he is taking the idiot Noam Chomsky position that we for some reason want these monkeys around us, and will thus be giving up something when they separate from us, his idea is dandy-fine, and one that needs to spread, particularly among Blacks: get these people the hell out, get them isolated before they start a war.
I have no problem giving them Detroit and some surrounding zone. We give them that, move them all there, then close it off and they will finally be free of us holding them down and be able to live out their full potential as a race. I predict they’ll have a moonbase established in five years, max.