Preposterous Propaganda Film “In the Fade” Wins Prize at Cannes

Diversity Macht Frei
May 31, 2017

“In the Fade” is a film about terrorist attacks and the grief they inspire. There must be Muslims in it, then, right? Well, yes. But only as victims. You see the terrorists here are “neo-Nazis”. And not just neo-Nazis. German neo-Nazis. The real thing.

The main character is played by blonde, blue-eyed Diane Kruger. She married a brown-skinned Turkish drug dealer and produced a miscegenated son with him. But both husband and son tragically died in the terrorist attack committed by the aforementioned evil neo-Nazis. At the trial, the Nazis’ lawyer somehow creates reasonable doubt and the Nazis get off. So Kruger sets about exacting revenge personally. That’s it.

The plotline, then, is your basic revenge story wrapped in political correctness. The film was directed by a Turk with a bit of paper that says he is a German, Fatih Akin. “Fatih”, incidentally, means “Conqueror” in Turkish. But in the simplistic worldview of this brownskin, there’s nothing wrong with trying to conquer another people’s land. It’s those who try and resist the conquest who are the wrong-doers.

Even the lefty Guardian’s critic agreed that the film was woeful and Kruger’s performance nothing special. But at Cannes you get extra points for being politically on message so Kruger walked away with a “Best Actress” prize.

With a major jihad attack occurring every few weeks in Europe now, this kind of propaganda is not just amusing but disgraceful.