President Bolton Announces the Korea Summit May be Canceled

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2018

President John Bolton, through his puppet-figure Donald Trump, former star of “The Apprentice” who now does a heavily scripted reality TV show called “Wars for Jews” which runs on all television networks and is produced and directed by President Bolton, has announced that he may be canceling the Korea summit – because reasons.


US President Donald Trump has said there is a “very substantial chance” a historic summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un next month may not happen.

He said the North must meet conditions for the summit to go ahead though if it did not, it might happen “later”.

He was speaking as he received South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in at the White House.

The North has said it may cancel the summit if the US insists on it giving up nuclear weapons unilaterally.

Mr Trump did not say what conditions the US had set for the summit but, asked by a reporter about the North’s arsenal, he said “denuclearisation must take place”.

The 12 June summit is due to take place in Singapore. It follows a summit between the two Korean leaders in April.

North Korea is expected to dismantle a nuclear test site this week as a good will gesture but the demolition may be delayed by bad weather.

It looked to me like Bolton had gone rogue and made the “Libya model” comments to try to throw a wrench in the works and shut down the peace process simply because he works for Jews and Jews hate peace.

Trump came out with what appeared to be damage control, saying Bolton misspoke and no one is talking about the Libyan model, but then he didn’t fire him.

Now, he comes out and suggests he might back out of the peace summit.

Trump worked very hard to make this deal happen.

And we were just on the cusp.

We were so, so close to signing agreements that would see North Korea disarmed slowly but surely as they slowly but surely opened up.

Kim would be allowed to be the hero, to oversee the transformation of North Korea.

This whole thing with the blah blah blah and the back and forth threats would finally be over.

It would save us a whole shitton of money, because we could pull most of the troops out of the South.

It would help our relations with China.

And it would change the game with the way the world views Donald Trump.

He would have to be given the Nobel Peace Prize. They simply wouldn’t have any choice but to give it to him.

It would have been beautiful.

Then along comes this kikesucker.

So: is Trump really just this guy’s puppet now?

I can’t see why he hired him in the first place unless he had a gun to his back. And then to have him openly – right out in public – try to sabotage Trump’s deal, and then not be fired for it. And now to have Trump seemingly deferring to him…

It doesn’t look good.

And just as the domestic situation appears to be going so well, what with the conspirators finally being called out

It’s sad.

But maybe the two things are linked.

Maybe he can take down the domestic conspiracy, and then he’ll have the ability to stand-up to whoever forced him to hire John Bolton as shadow President.