President Bolton Cancels Meeting with Kim After Torpedoing Nearly Completed Peace Process

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 24, 2018

Through his spokesperson Donald Trump, President John Bolton has announced that he will be pulling out of the peace summit with North Korea.

Before transferring power to Bolton, now-spokesperson Trump worked very hard to make this deal happen, but President Bolton decided that he would rather continue an endless fake impending doom situation which leaves open the option of creating a war in Asia.


US President Donald Trump has canceled a much-anticipated summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, “based on the tremendous anger and open hostility” from Kim, who threatened the US with a “nuclear-to-nuclear showdown.”

“I was very much looking forward to being there with you. Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting,” read the letter, sent a few hours after North Korea blew up its nuke testing site at Punggye-ri. The demolition was witnessed by a small pool of foreign journalists, and was considered a goodwill gesture from Kim ahead of the planned summit.

In his letter, Trump lamented the loss of a historic opportunity, but thanked Kim for releasing three American hostages, which he said was a “beautiful gesture.”

North Korean Vice Minister Choe Son-hui said earlier on Thursday that his country would walk away from the summit, which had been due to take place in Singapore on June 12, if Washington continued to carry out its “unlawful and outrageous acts.”

“Whether the U.S. will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision and behavior of the United States,” Choe said.

The “unlawful acts” mentioned by Choe refer to joint military exercises carried out by the US and South Korea earlier this month. The North viewed these annual drills as intentional provocation and practice for an invasion.

Choe also singled out Vice President Mike Pence, who said earlier this week that North Korea could end up like Libya if Kim didn’t make a deal. The Libya comparison had been first made by Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, who suggested that the denuclearization of North Korea could follow “the Libya model.”

This is all on Bolton.

It began with him making the bizarre veiled threat that he was going to do a regime change in North Korea, demanding he surrender all nukes and referring to that plan as “the Libya model.”

Commenters mocked Trump for taking the “Libya model” statement to mean regime change, when Bolton ostensibly was referring to the agreement Colonel Gaddaffi made to surrender his nuke program in exchange for lifting of sanctions. But Trump didn’t misinterpret, he read the actual meaning of what Bolton was intending to communicate to Kim, which was “give us your nukes, then we’re going to do a regime change on you – which will end with you being sodomized with a knife and lynched in a viral YouTube video.”

Then I believe Bolton encouraged the military drills in South Korea.

Then Pence, following the lead of Bolton, said explicitly what Bolton had implied – that Kim is going to be bombed like Libya. Which – side note here – suggests that there may be a hidden relationship between Bolton and Pence. Pence – for those who are not aware – is a Clinton Republican. In a situation where Trump was impeached, he would do exactly everything the Jews want him to do, up to and including war with Russia.

This was all a purposeful torpedoing of the deal that Trump and Tillerson had arranged with Kim.

Then when Kim responded angrily – and rightfully so, he was being betrayed after he had opened himself up with trust – they blamed everything on him.

Trump, thus far, has precisely zero meaningful accomplishments as President of the United States.



He failed monumentally on healthcare, he’s continually failed to start building the wall, he has not banned Moslems, he has not opened an investigation into Hillary Clinton, he has not gotten Europe to fund NATO, he has not successfully ended DACA, he has not ended the H1-B visa program, he has not been successful with China trade negotiations, he has not ended the war in Syria and he has not normalized relations with Russia.

The tax cuts were the same thing any Republican would have done.

And I am personally willing to accept that all of those failures are due to him being continually thwarted by the entire establishment.

But the Korea thing was something he could have done. He did do it. He was inches away from the finish line. And he blew it.

No one forced him to hire John Bolton.

Or maybe they did and we don’t know about it. That may well be the case. They may well have leverage on him.

But he would have been given the Nobel Prize for this. The world would have been forced to celebrate him.

It would have been a real and beautiful accomplishment for the history books.

And it would have given him the political capital to act more aggressively on other parts of his foreign policy agenda.

And now that is canceled.

It is very sad.

It is especially sad in light of the fact that the Mueller witch hunt is running out of steam.

But if he is willing to break like this on a foreign policy accomplishment that was already effectively accomplished, then why should I believe that he is going to do anything differently domestically once Mueller is off his back?

It is all very, very sad.

Because let me tell you, Mr. President: the Jews have already decided how you will be written into the history books. You will be written as a figure somewhere just below Adolf Hitler. Unless you are able to rise up and change that, by force of will, then that is your fate.

I’ll leave you with this.