“President Comey”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 8, 2017

I’ve been working too much this week.

I’ve got other things going on in my life.

I’m going to wait until tomorrow to write more on the Comey testimony.

But I do want to post this John McCain clip.

I noted the other week that it was weird he wasn’t on the shows, and his health must be deteriorating.

In fact, his health appears to have completely dissolved. Presumably, he has been on some kind of drugs to manage dementia which have stopped working. His statements during the hearing were absolutely incoherent.

It was a bizarre end to a bizarre event.

It’s something to celebrate though, of course. He’s going to have to resign soon, and then die. His death will be meaningful. It will mark a symbolic end of an era of a special kind of darkness that has fallen over what’s left of religious right of White Protestant Anglo-Saxon America.

Here’s a funny thought though.

Just a thing.

What if “President Comey” was more than just garbled, confused senility, but actually a term that is in use behind the scenes?


Can someone please make a “Series of Tubes“-tier remix of “President Comey”?

I think we all deserve that right now.

This has been a rough week.