President Trump and China

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
November 17, 2016


I’ve long held the same view about China:

“SHANGHAI — Perhaps no country has taken more hits from Donald J. Trump than China. During the presidential campaign, Mr. Trump made it sound as if making America “great again” meant defeating China.

But much of the Chinese public supported him. And President Xi Jinping was among the first world leaders to congratulate him. Mr. Xi, in his message to the president-elect, expressed hopes of building on the “common interests” between the world’s two largest economies. …

But in the longer term, Chinese-American relations could become healthier as the Chinese prefer a relationship with a United States that doesn’t try to remake the world. The Chinese know how to compete and can deal with competitors. What the Chinese have always resented and resisted is an America that imposes its values and standards on everybody else.

Mr. Trump’s America is likely to break from this pattern. He has shown no desire to tell other countries how to do things. China is run by competent leaders who are strong-minded and pragmatic. Mr. Trump is a resolute businessman with little ideological underpinning. Without the shackles of ideology, even the most competitive rivals can make deals. This is a new day for the world’s most consequential bilateral relationship. …”

Unlike the American liberals, we have no reason to consider China our enemy. Quite the opposite.

1.) We have no desire to “police the world” as the US Empire has done in the Western Pacific for generations now. We certainly don’t support encircling China with military bases and hostile alliances. We don’t support interfering in China’s internal affairs.

2.) We have no desire to force liberal democracy on China. In fact, we believe liberal democracy has been taken way too far in this country and needs to be curtailed at home. Look at the anarchy in our streets.

3.) We don’t believe in “American exceptionalism” or forcing the American culture on China. We admire and respect China which is one of the world’s ancient civilizations. We think China has been smart to shield itself from the degenerating effects of Western culture.

4.) We have no interest in upbraiding China with sanctimonious “human rights” lectures.

5.) We would like to build a Great Wall on our Southern border which is an idea inspired by China.

6.) We have nothing but admiration for China’s economic progress which refutes neo-liberal economics. Yes, it has come at our expense, but as President Trump has repeatedly said that is because of our own incompetent leadership. It’s not China’s fault our trade policies are made by fools.

7.) We consider the Chinese people to be ranked high among the world’s top races. In fact, we want an ethnostate for our people not unlike China.

8.) Finally, we don’t mind at all if the Chinese decide to colonize and civilize the negroes of Africa.