President Trump Calls Out Unhinged Kike Tom Seyer!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2017

Get off the field, Seyer – ya nasty Jew bastard!


President Donald Trump is responding to a California billionaire who has vowed to spend at least $10 million in advertising calling for the president’s impeachment.

Trump is using Twitter to call Tom Steyer “wacky & totally unhinged.” He says Steyer “has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from the beginning,” adding the billionaire environmentalist “never wins elections!”

Steyer recently launched the advertising, which has been running on Fox News and other national outlets, arguing that Trump should be ousted from office. Steyer contends Trump is pushing the U.S. toward a nuclear war, is obstructing justice at the FBI and threatening to shut down news organizations he doesn’t like.

The great part is that this sort of direct “Jew the goyim” kikery is no longer effective on huge portions of the population.

Tom Steyer: He has a shiksa mama, so is somewhat goy-presenting. His agenda, however, is pure kikery.

Advertising campaigns that just openly lie to people are only really effective when people are not consciously aware that they’re being lied to.

The most important thing Donald Trump has done, hands down, is expose the media as liars by openly calling them “liars” and then directly pointing to lies over and over and over again and in some instances tricking them into lying in more aggressive ways. We now have an entire generation that simply will never assume that media is telling the truth.

Uncle Adolf knows what’s up with the kikes and their filthy Jew lies.

The issue is that people are naturally honest. White people are. So they assume that when people tell them things, especially other white people or (((fellow white people))) who they think are white, they simply accept it at face value without even considering the idea that they could be lying.

I recently talked to a boomer, who was a Trump voter after he was an Obama voter after he was a Bush voter, about the Iraq war. And he said it just never even crossed his mind that George W. Bush would have been lying about Saddam Hussein’s plan to nuke America, or the media’s claim that he funded 911. He said: “I guess I just thought: why would they say it if it wasn’t true?”

I can’t even begin to imagine believing that a third world Islamic dictator on the other side of the planet was going to come to America and take over – was he going to ride camels across the sea? – but apparently the overwhelming majority of boomers believed this because someone told them to.

And this is human nature, because where we evolved, we didn’t have lying on a large scale. Your own tribal chief had no reason to lie to you. People lied to each other about embarrassing mistakes them made, men lied to women and visa versa in sexually-charged situations, but there was no concept of a massive lie to purposefully undermine the entire society.

This is one reason it is so important to understand the Jewish question: because without it, nothing really makes any sense – why would your own countrymen destroy the country that you share?

Trump has gotten us to the point where we know that massive lies are being told by an organized cabal, but at some point people have to ask: why would anyone do that?

And the only possible answer is:

Because they are Jews.