President Trump Fully Endorses Anti-Infanticide Campaigners

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 20, 2018

There is virtually nothing sicker than the mass slaughter of infants on the satanic altar of female liberation.

New York Times:

In the daily din of scandal and turmoil that has dominated President Trump’s first year in office, it can be easily overlooked how transformative he has been in using his executive powers to curtail abortion rights.

As thousands of anti-abortion marchers gathered on the National Mall in Washington in the annual March for Life on Friday, Mr. Trump ordered his administration to make it easier for states to cut off money for Planned Parenthood clinics that offer health care to low-income women.

The move capped a week of action by the White House that helped to further seal its relationship with the anti-abortion movement.

In just the last few days, the president has expanded religious freedom protections for health care providers who object to performing procedures like abortion and gender reassignment surgery; created a new entity within the Department of Health and Human Services called the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division; ordered the department to more vigorously enforce existing laws that shield people in government-funded programs from violating their religious beliefs; and declared Monday “National Sanctity of Human Life Day.”

“We are with you all the way,” Mr. Trump told marchers he had invited to the Rose Garden to mark the occasion. His remarks were broadcast to the Mall, the first time a president had addressed the annual March for Life on live television. In the past, they have either recorded messages or phoned in their remarks.

The president’s enthusiasm did not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

“He seemed so excited about it,” said Jeanne Mancini, the president of March for Life. “I could sort of see it looking up at the jumbotron.”

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a leading anti-abortion group, said the president’s directives amounted to taking “a monumental stand.”

No President in recent history has taken such a staunch stand against these filthy baby-killing whores.

If we could outright ban abortion, we could easily get these women back in their cages. They wouldn’t have any choice. The only way they are able to be “stronk working women” is by killing any baby they might accidentally have implanted in them.

Women would also stop being such filthy whores. Women like the idea of sex with niggers, for instance, but they do not like the idea of a little turd baby.

Everyone always brings up the conundrum of the amount of abortions brown people have in this country whenever I call for it to be banned outright – but you don’t understand. It is these whores that are agreeing to go along with the kike plan of invasion, as well as the kike plan of coddling the apes. If these stupid whores were put back in their cages, the jig would be up.

Because lookie here, genius: the Jews are absolutely obsessed with the aggressive support of abortions. Do you think you are going to trick the Jews by supporting one of their programs, because you know the results better than they do?

Come on now.

The Jews would obviously prefer that we have more brown people in this country, but they know – as well as I do – that their real power is in using the sick and deranged sexuality of women against us.

Just as a general rule – in case you’re new at this: always do the opposite of what Jews say.