President Trump on Tucker Carlson!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 16, 2017

The President had an excellent interview with Tucker Carlson last night.

Asked whether he thinks the 25% taxes he paid in 2005 is fair, he said: “No, I don’t think it’s fair. And I’ve been complaining about it for a long time. Because I don’t care about me anymore, I care about the people out there.”

He elaborated a bit on his tax plan, and how he wants to drop the taxes to 15% for small businesses.

On Ryancare, he didn’t totally defend it, but noted how hard it is to get anything passed in Congress with only 52/100 and zero Democrats willing to vote for anything Trump supports, saying the bill would look different if we had 60/100.

He says there will be negotiations.

He said that 2017 naturally should be the worst in history, as it is the fallout of all Obama’s actions.

He explains that this bill is only phase one of a three phase plan (phase two is not really a phase though).

The bottom line on Obamacare repeal was given: “we will take care of our people or I’m not signing it, just so you understand.”

And that’s good enough for me.

He also comments on the obviously true surveillance of Trump Tower by Obama, though he didn’t give any new details.

At the end, Tucker tried to bait him into saying “Islam is incompatible with Western civilization.” He didn’t do it, but you could tell he wanted to.

I think Trump needs to be on Tucker Carlson more often. It doesn’t have to be sit down. He can call in like he does with Fox & Friends. I think we need a ten minutes a week minimum deal. It needs to be a thing.

Tucker is the only media figure who actually both understands what’s going on and believes in it, as we say for a fact at his firefighter speech.

If you haven’t watched that, do it now. It’s important.