President Trump Speeding Up Deportation of Invasive Filth

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2017

Basically, the Jews/Democrats/cucks/etc. have made it clear that they are going to impeach Trump.

They are going to do absolutely anything they can to get him out of office.

So at some point, he’s going to have to declare martial law and shut down this idiot nonsense about “democracy” once and for all.

To prepare for that the most important thing for him to do is make sure his base is 100%.

And he’s doing that.


The Trump administration’s latest immigration enforcement rules intend to speed up court hearings and introduce “expedited removal” of illegal immigrants. Enforcement would focus on “criminal aliens” rather than mass deportations, the White House said.

The rules, outlined in two memos released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Tuesday, states that the Department’s personnel have “full authority to arrest or apprehend an alien whom an immigration officer has probable cause to believe is in violation of the immigration laws.”

A plan to establish more detention facilities is also outlined.

‘Expedited removals’

The new rules would also subject immigrants who cannot show they have been in the country for more than two years to “expedited removal.”

“The surge of illegal immigration at the southern border has overwhelmed federal agencies and resources and has created a significant national security vulnerability to the United States. Thousands of aliens apprehended at the border, placed in removal proceedings, and released from custody have absconded and failed to appear at their removal hearings…” one of the memos states, citing a “backlog” of removal cases.

It goes on to say that the average removal case for an alien who has not been detained can sit pending before an immigration judge for more than two years, while some will not have their cases heard for as long as five years.

“This unacceptable delay affords removable aliens with no plausible claim for relief to remain unlawfully in the United States for many years,” the memo states.

Currently, only those apprehended near a US border who cannot show that they’ve been in the country for more than 14 days are subject to removal.

Meanwhile, the plan also outlines an aim to “immediately identify and allocate all sources of available funding for the planning, design, construction, and maintenance” of a border wall between Mexico – one of Trump’s key campaign promises.

‘Criminal aliens’

The administration noted that any illegal alien can be deported at any time, but said it would be prioritizing “criminal aliens,” meaning those who have been charged with or convicted of a crime.

“Criminal aliens have demonstrated their disregard for the rule of law and pose a threat to persons residing in the United States. As such, criminal aliens are a priority for removal,” one of the documents states.

The removals would be aided by law enforcement agencies choosing to participate in a program which would grant local officers the authority to act as immigration agents.

“Such officers have the authority to perform all law enforcement functions specified in section 287(a) of the INA, including the authority to investigate, identify, apprehend, arrest, detain, and conduct searches authorized under the INA, under the direction and supervision of the Department…” the same memo states.

In addition, the administration’s rules outline the hiring of 5,000 more Border Patrol agents and 10,000 extra Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

Phase two will be dealing with the ones who “aren’t criminals.”

That will involve massive fines on employers.

Trump understands that they are planning to shut him down, so he is doing everything that needs to be done to make that impossible.

He needs the support of the military and popular support from at least 40% of the population.

Then he just waits for the next terrorist attack, which is due any minute now (been a while since San Bernardino and the Pulse faggocaust), and declares martial laws, grabbing all the executive powers that go along with it.

It must happen.