President Trump’s CPAC Thing was Bretty Gud

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2018

Trump’s CPAC thing was standard, but it was well done.

It was a lot of campaign Trump.

Here’s a highlights reel.

It sort of served as a companion to the State of the Union speech – that was serious business Trump, this was the idgaf Trump we voted for.

The Fat McCain

He attacked the filthy traitor John McCain and his fat daughter went apeshit over it, saying that no one can ever criticize a person with cancer.

What does that mean, that a person with cancer can’t be criticized?

How far does that go? All the way?

Like, are they allowed to murder babies?

That bitch is so gross, but she is basically sharp in an evil way and I assume she ran that line by some market analysis guys and they were like “yeah, responding to the fact that he purposefully sabotaged Trump and the entire country on a major piece of legislation with a surprise no vote, specifically for the purpose of revenge, with saying he can’t be criticized for anything because of his cancer is a good move.”

I think the culture is changing, because new people are coming up and boomers and moving into dementia or just not paying as much attention. I think that there was a point when “it is mean to criticize someone with cancer” was an argument that would have went over well, and I think analysts are not keeping their pulse on the way culture is changing.

Now, it just comes across as the slimiest emotional abuse imaginable. To me it does. And I think that is not far from the conception of most young people. I think “this person is engaging in emotional blackmail” is a standard response to some bitch saying “you can’t criticize his active attempts to undermine America because he has cancer.”

Yes, He is Like a “Dictator”

MSNBC did the whole “Authoritarian Personality” kike criticism of Trump, comparing him to a bunch of “dictators.”


President Donald Trump’s speech at the CPAC conference sent MSNBC TV anchors into outrage, with Ali Velshi comparing him to the current or former leaders of Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Turkey and, of course, Russia.

“A sprawling, truly sprawling, meandering speech by the President. The likes of which – I was saying to Stephanie – I’m used to having heard from Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro or Erdogan,” Velshi said, after Trump wrapped up the speech Friday morning. “President Putin gives something like this every year, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used to give speeches like this.

I’m sure a lot of the Jew media is using this line right now.

They either don’t understand or are purposefully pretending to not understand that people voted for Trump because they like the idea of a “dictator” – that is, a charismatic leader who makes decisions.

The Jew idea of the “Authoritarian Personality” is just the basic order of nature.

Yes, we all want to be part of a family unit, where the father is the leader and the ultimate decider.

And yes, we want our nation to be a larger version of that model.


Again, in the Jew we see that everything that they do is specifically intended to be the opposite of what is good and natural.

They are a creature which is at war with nature.