Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2014

Just when you thought it was impossible for the Jews to get any more haughty and in-your-face about their faked Holocaust, they go and do something like this.
The book’s “author,” Phil Chernofsky, describes his unbelievably pretentious artwork:
When you look at this at a distance, you can’t tell whether it’s upside down or right-side up, you can’t tell what’s here; it looks like a pattern. That’s how the Nazis viewed their victims: These are not individuals, these are not people, these are just a mass we have to exterminate.
Now get closer, put on your reading glasses, and pick a ‘Jew.’ That Jew could be you. Next to him is your brother. Oh, look, your uncles and aunts and cousins and your whole extended family. A row, a line, those are your classmates. Now you get lost in a kind of meditative state where you look at one word, ‘Jew,’ you look at one Jew, you focus on it and then your mind starts to go because who is he, where did he live, what did he want to do when he grew up?
Yes, where did that Jew live and where did he grow up? As there is no record of him even having existed, that is a very pertinent question, Mr. Chernofsky, you lying rat.

The book is called “And Every Single One was Someone.” The problem with that title, of course, is that only 200-odd thousand people (not all Jews) who died of typhus and starvation after the allies committed an international war crime and bombed civilian supply lines were someones – the rest of the six million were imaginary no ones.
The book publisher’s plan is to have copies of this idiot piece of hoax material in “every church and synagogue, school and library.” And why shouldn’t it be? It’s only $90.